‘Rapture’- Lesbian Butterflies Ink & Watercolor Painting on Canvas

Detail shot:

Detail Shot

This is going to be a ‘Girl-on-Girl Butterfly Action’ Homage to the movie ‘Blue Is The Warmest Color’.

The article, which will be written under the finished painting will be almost as juicy as watching those European females do a D.A.M.N. * F.I.N.E * J.O.B. of portraying lesbian love making in a true primal state.

Blue Is The Warmest Color

I actually outdid myself on this mixed media painting… This is watercolor on canvas. I wanted the transparancy affect without the colors bleeding so I used a clear spray enamel over each color glaze. Sanded the enamel for tooth. This image will be cut out with an X-Acto knife and maonted on a relief printing of the prodigious savant lesbian erotic homage manifesto I’m going to write under this photo.

I will use a rotary tool to engrave the words into bass wood as negative space. The words will be porportionately spaced, in a circle, around this image. I will ink the positive space around the engraved words with white ink. When I print the the plate the words will show the previously printed black background.

This is going to be a ‘Girl-on-Girl Butterfly Action’ Homage to the movie ‘Blue Is The Warmest Color’.

The article, which will be written under the finished painting will be almost as juicy as watching those European females do a
D.A.M.N. * F.I.N.E * J.O.B. of portraying lesbian love making in a true primal state.

This is the pen & ink over portrait for a watercolor that will go underneath this portraiat of two Zebra Longwings competing for a female. it was drawn from the book ‘Butterflies’. One male bats his wings over the head of the competition. Mate guarding is important in all species.

I look at this drawing a little differently. I prefer to see two females together. One is in servitude to the receptive female. The ‘open’ female has her wings spread in rapture. The serving mate is on top and has her guarded with folded wings for safety & privacy so she can feel safe enough to be receptive to stimulation. This ritual can not happen in the bedroom alone. Social & public displays for attention, as well as various forms of social ‘guarding’ must go on for quite some time before it ever gets to the point of consumation.

I guarded every ideal my last partner held dear. Then held her friends and family to the same standard, then her employers, then the community. On one occasion she had started a new job at a privately contracted D.J.J. facility. She was the low man on the totem pole but took the job of helping the abused female juvenile offenders seriously. She maintained a trusting relationship with the teens. When some weren’t acting properly she began an investigation that lead to her discovering that a male employee was bringing in drugs, and a cell phone, for the teen females to use in exchange for sex. She called me on her graveyard post. She was worried about retaliation from admin if she documented it. I said call the Sherriff and start the process of getting the girls safe. She worked over 24 hours straight. She had to give video testimony of how she launched the investigation, and what the girls shared with her.

Then she was fired.

I called admin and said that my wife was bound by a nondisclosure clause, however, I was not. I did my thing and hung up the phone.

About 4 hours later the phone rang. Admin wanted to speak with my partner. They not only offered her the job back, she was promoted. 6 months later she was promoted again to a Shift Supervisor. She went from $22,000 a year, to $45,000 a year in about 7 months and made the Who’s Who of American Business Women.
When I chose to go to prison, as opposed to filing a motion for leniency on a 9 year old invalid V.O.P prior to my testimony, she felt that I was failing at my job as guardian. I tried to explain that if I made the motion for leniency my sworn deposition would reveal the witness coercion, and falsified arrest report made by Beasley’s probation officer. I would walk, but, so would Beasley. He’d be right back out to continue to have access to the victim. She wanted me home. I wanted the child safe.

I was the only one in the prison who was NOT screwing somebody. I was constantly talking about my partner of about a decade… She changed her mind so much that her estimate of how long we were together may not match mine. Anyway, I told the inmates that I don’t eat ‘felony pussy’. I got smacked, sucker punched, and assaulted with a deadly weapon for refusing these charming examples of unapologetic Stockholm Syndrome. All for refusing to molest these inmates in M.R.S.A. infected showers, and on toilets containing reclaimed water.

I was more interested in a Sergeant who had been in the military. She was something serious. I didn’t mind going to lock because I got to march up to property and talk shit to her and her officer. She was the only staff member secure enough to refuse to carry a radio, handcuffs, or mace. She knew damn well if the shit hit the fan the inmates involved would go straight to the infirmary before they got locked. Sexy mother fucker. Tiny thing, too. Damn, she could yell. She never yelled at me. She reminded me of the real Venus in COMO, a lady I met on a 1998 trafficking investigation. That same crooked tooth, same gate, lots of swagger. She made special accommodations for me to mail my wedding ring back to my wife. I almost started crying when she said it was contraband. I told said Sergeant it would have been our 11 year anniversary. She blinked and told me to come back at a certain time so I could mail it back.

She had just celebrated her own 11 year anniversary to a female Captain in admin, I think. Anyway, the other inmates got jealous of the way I talked to her with respect, and courtesy. She asked me what my wife did. I said that she, too, had worked for FL D.O.C. at the Calhoun C.I. but was discharged due to retaliation for blowing the whistle on abusive officers back in the early ’90’s before the Prison Rape Elimination Act was written into policy by the Inspector Generals office. I said she ended up at the Department of Juvenile Justice Headquarters, then a Captain at a privately contracted D.J.J. Academy for abused female juvenile offenders. This sergeant talked to me like a woman. Probably because I spoke so fondly of my partner and it was obvious I didn’t fit in at that Prison. “What the hell are you doing, here?” she asked. many officers had asked me that same question.

I didn’t dare say I was sandbagged as a witness. Everyone else got barked at by this Sergeant. So, the inmates got together and wrote grievances against her for P.R.E.A. Violations. I couldn’t hide my attraction because I spent so much time refusing every other female without smile or apology. Most of those grievances were written by the inmates to piss me off. They knew they couldn’t hurt me, so they went after her.

She had to leave property before I got there to get my shit when I left confinement. Though she did nothing even remotely evident of any P.R.E.A. violations. I possess what’s called a superhuman dynamic. It comes with being an adult female prodigy with special skills that enable me to quickly analyze the true governing dynamics of human systems, and alter these dynamics in HEALTHY individuals and systems. I had altered the dynamics at this 1,500 inmate prison. Lowell C.I. in Ocala FL. I did this with a strength of character, very careful verbiage, and razor sharp written identification of P.R.E.A. situations to the Inspectors Generals office.

Inspector Angelique Munnerlyn interviewed me when I boldly asked for the Captain on an open compound after an inmate had been sexually exploited by a newly promoted Sergeant. There were several inmates, and several officers involved. I had previously masterfully manipulated the entire D.O.C. admin when I refused to tell anyone anything about the trauma to my left eye when a master lock was used as a weapon by an inmate looking to get kicked out of a drug program. I refused to talk about it because as soon as you tell them what happened, they start locking uninvolved inmates to coerce false witness statements to cover it up to avoid 8th amendment lawsuits. So, I just glared at them when they asked me what happened. “I slipped and fell in the shower…” Fuck, I had asked for P.C. several times and they had refused. I deduced that by refusing to talk, and threatening to snitch on the other inmates with witness statements as to who had the tobacco, lighters, alcohol, and drugs that Staff might do their god damned job.

i didn’t want the 19 year old punk to get her way and manipulate the system to get out of the program. By nobody speaking, they actually I.N.V.E.S.T.I.G.A.T.E.D. the circumstances behind the assault. However, I was better at terrifying the entire compound than the staff. They locked one innocent inmate after another. “I don’t know!” was all that they got. They released me and finally called me in for a P.R.E.A. interview. I was then called to the Majors office. No handcuffs. The entire compound just about pissed itself. The entire FL D.O.C. staff got nothing from no one, so they brought the Majors office in. NO ONE GOES TO THE MAJORS OFFICE.

E*V*E*R. They all but offered me coffee.

I have a trauma cataract on my left eye from that mess.

I requested a bus ticket to Orlando on my End of Sentence date to complete my investigation into the Beasley case. A couple months later I met Professor Cronon. While I’m living at Chad’s I go to the GLBT center to hang out. This extremely beautiful young woman, 5′ 10″ easy, svelte, long natural spiral curls, mixed ethnicity slides up to me to light her cigarette. Bats her eyelashes and says to me “I’m a sex addict and I like older women…” Followed by more batting of the eyelashes. She was 30 something.

I grinned and said “I like older women, too. These young bucks couldn’t come if it called ’em… It is not in their sexual lexicon to give, or be receptive to, multiple orgasms for hours on end… You won’t have a problem finding someone older because I’m finding out that the older lesbians like them your age. An epidemic of identity crises… Or they’re ‘stone’…”

She blinked, dropped her cigarette, and ran back inside. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. She left with a 54 year old bull who had a 30 year old Bachelors degree who’d never been in a long term relationship. Again I just shook my head. I went out for coffee with the gay boys and we did obscene things with our ice cream cones from Jason’s Deli. Of course I started that shit. I read everything Thomas Moore ever wrote. Several times.

With the concepts my grandmother taught me, my compassion for suffering individuals, and my ability to grasp multi-layered spiritual concepts rapidly these books are probably why I am the person that I am.

I had always been a ‘femme’. Being autistic I don’t read others well enough to have the confidence to initiate any romantic interaction. After my previous partners made it clear their desires then I was able to read them like a book and have the confidence to initiate sexual interactions. I even ‘rewrote their operating systems’ for their ‘sexual hardware’ after pair bonding was complete. My sex drive is as prodigious as the rest of me. The brain is the largest sex organ that we have. I’m one of the smartest women on the planet due to a very prolific brain/memory. The rest is pretty easy to figure out. I was never promiscuous because if I’m not intellectually stimulated, and satisfied that the other person has a very extraordinary moral compass, then I’m not gong to feel safe enough to be receptive with them on any level. Social, or sexual.

I learned very special skills, and concepts, from my U.S. Navy trained father, and university educated mother. She majored in education & mass communications and graduated Summa Cum Laude. My grandmother, a wonderful Christian Minister, taught me the consequences of reckless sexual behaviors by explaining everything that was happening on the news. I remember watching the horrors of the outbreak of the A.I.D.S. epidemic. She said no one deserved to die like that in their searches for love and affection. She told me that women were assholes, and heartbreakers, the same as men. She used my parents as examples of bad sexual behaviors by both men and women. Sexual behavior is any behavior that is sexually motivated. We all do it she said, but, if it makes everyone happy then it’s O.K. If it’s hurtful then it’s not O.K. She explained that it is always my responsibility, anyone’s responsibility, to say ‘NO’ to ANY type of sexual behavior that makes you uncomfortable.

“You can’t rape the willing…” she pronounced…

Phallic Play Doh Toy To Be Recalled

Hasbro To Replace Phallic Tool In Toy - Columbia Daily Tribune

This article has made the entire subscription worth the money! This is ‘Progressive’ BUSINESS reporting.

Now, I’m on my way to Wal-Mart, Target, Kohls, Kmart, Toys-R-Us (no pun intended) or wherever they still have this on the shelf. (Just Kidding!!)

Has to be considerably less expensive than buying one at the Old UN Theater…

It’s quite obvious why the mothers did NOT yell for a recall sooner. The kids probably never knew that ‘tool’ was in the package. The Moms probably hid it. They found their OWN toy to play with!!


Upcycled Rubber Collagragh Printing Blocks

Found Rubber Collagraphs & Printing Plates

This is some old thin rubber gasket type of material that one of my very passionate advocates salvaged from a dumpster, on a whim, so I had materials to make art relief prints with when I was transitioning out of a street investigation after Nate Irvin blew his wad…

One of my advocates from Central Missouri Stop Human Trafficking Coalition enthusiastically went dumpster diving for cool stuff for a R>E>A>L> starving artist to use. She did very well. I did some test prints for collagraphs. This rubber gasket is excellent for printing. She also gave me some old foam-core boards. They are perfect plates to mount the image to.

I’m using old prescription bottle caps as printing blocks/plates. I have plenty of those around from the tumors, blood pressure, autism, etc. I always saved the bottles for starting seedlings & planting air plants & succulents after cutting the threading off and drilling tiny drain holes with a rotary tool, use them for organization & mixing custom paint colors, storing ephemera, shit you never know…